Suspect Your Kid Has Allergies? How & When to Get Tested

Updated 29 Dec 2024
Picture this common scenario: a delightful trip to the playground with your child, only to be abruptly curtailed by incessant sneezing, nose-rubbing, and sniffling, leaving both of you eagerly yearning for the comfort of home. Alternatively, your toddler might consistently break out in hives after a seemingly innocent bite of your peanut butter toast or develop a rash post-antibiotic treatment or an interaction with the neighbor’s dog. Sound familiar? If so, it's quite probable that your child is grappling with allergies.
Pinpointing the exact allergen, whether pollen, grass, foods, medications, or pets, can be a challenge. Allergy testing is the only definitive way to unravel the mystery behind their symptoms. If you’re wondering “How do you get your child tested for allergies?” and feeling overwhelmed with where to start, fear not! Today we’re guiding you through the process of recognizing allergy signs, determining when testing is warranted, and providing insights into the available types of allergy testing.
Detecting Signs of Allergies in Children: Common Allergens
Allergic reactions can manifest in various parts of the body, including the skin, eyes, stomach, nose, sinuses, throat, tongue, and lungs—areas rich in immune system cells. These cells play a crucial role in defending against inhaled, swallowed, or skin-contacting viruses and bacteria. In the case of allergies, the immune system misidentifies substances like pollen, dust, fragrances, medications, or food as threats, triggering a histamine response and resulting in an allergic reaction. It’s important to note that allergy symptoms often overlap with those arising from unrelated causes. Experts say it’s important to avoid self-diagnosis and seek professional evaluation for a precise diagnosis, as effective management varies based on the specific cause.
Furthermore, individual responses to allergens differ widely. While some children may exhibit one or two symptoms, others might display a myriad of reactions. The severity of allergic responses can also vary, with some experiencing mild reactions and others facing potentially life-threatening situations—especially concerning food, drugs, or bee stings. Consulting with a healthcare provider is critical to understanding and accurately diagnosing your child's unique experiences with allergies.

Signs of an Allergic Reaction in Children
Potential signs of allergies may include any or all of the following symptoms:
- Nasal Symptoms
- Stuffy nose
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Skin and Sensory Reactions
- Itching
- Itchy ears, mouth, skin, or nose
- Red, itchy, watery eyes
- Red, dry skin
- Hives or welts
- Rash
- Respiratory Symptoms
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Stomachache
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Oral Symptoms
- Swelling of the lips and/or tongue
Severe allergic reactions, known as anaphylaxis, pose a serious threat to children, potentially leading to symptoms such as swelling in the lips and tongue, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, fainting, and, in extreme cases, death. While anaphylactic reactions commonly result from food allergens, bee stings, latex, and drug allergies, any trigger can potentially cause a severe response. If your child is deemed at risk for anaphylaxis, their doctor may prescribe an EpiPen—an auto-injector containing epinephrine, a safe and highly effective medication capable of reversing severe allergy symptoms. It's crucial to note that even if the EpiPen is used to counter a life-threatening reaction, immediate medical attention is still imperative.
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Determining When to Have Allergy Testing Done in Children
Children of any age can undergo allergy testing, but it's crucial to understand that these tests aren't intended for routine screening. Instead, they should be employed when there is a medical history indicating the likelihood of an allergy. Allergy tests are most effective when used in conjunction with a clinical history suggesting the presence of allergies.
If you suspect your child has allergies, it's advisable to discuss your concerns with their pediatrician and seek a referral for consultation and testing with a board-certified allergist. During this process, the allergist will inquire about your child's reactions, observed patterns, and other pertinent details. Following a diagnosis, your child may undergo allergy testing every one to two years, depending on their treatment plan.
The decision to test a child for allergies should be individualized based on their symptoms. Food allergies typically manifest with clear reactions, making testing valuable for confirming suspected allergies. However, using allergy testing as a screening tool without evident symptoms can lead to inaccurate labeling of food allergies. Clinical relevance is key, and if a child is symptom-free, testing may not be necessary or clinically meaningful.

Getting Your Child Tested for Allergies
Wondering how to get your child tested for allergies? If your child's pediatrician suspects allergies or has explored all potential causes for their symptoms, they may recommend consulting a board-certified pediatric allergist. Prior to the appointment, the allergist might advise your child to refrain from taking any antihistamines for a week, particularly if testing is planned during the initial visit. The primary allergy test for children is the skin prick test, also known as the scratch test, although other testing methods exist. Let’s take a closer look at each type of test and how to prepare your child for allergy testing.
Skin prick test (scratch test)
The skin prick test, a widely used allergy test, aims to identify the presence of IgE antibodies specific to various allergens such as foods, pollens, or pet dander. In this test, a small amount of liquid allergen is applied to the back or forearm, and a gentle scratch introduces it to the skin's allergy cells. Within approximately 15 minutes, the preexisting allergy antibodies prompt the development of small hives. One benefit of this procedure is that it allows for the simultaneous testing of multiple allergens and is generally a painless process. If your child has allergies to more than one substance, multiple hives may appear on their back or forearm, accompanied by a slight itching sensation.
Blood test (RAST test)
RAST (radioallergosorbent test) is a commonly used blood test for allergy assessment. Blood tests are necessary when skin tests are impractical, such as in cases where your child has a skin condition or has recently experienced a severe allergic reaction. It's important to recognize that a positive blood test doesn't necessarily confirm an allergy. Blood IgE tests gauge the levels of allergy antibodies in the bloodstream. Both skin and blood IgE tests identify sensitization but do not independently diagnose an allergy. It's a common pitfall to misinterpret these tests, potentially leading to over-diagnosis of allergy in cases where sensitization exists but tolerance prevails.
Intradermal test
In certain cases, allergists opt for an intradermal test, a more sensitive method than skin prick testing. This test follows the skin prick test and involves injecting a small amount of allergen just beneath the skin. For example, if someone presents with symptoms related to a dog, an intradermal test might be employed to assess their reaction. It can also be utilized to investigate drug allergies when a skin prick test yields negative results.
Patch test
Allergists, and occasionally dermatologists, employ patch tests to identify delayed allergic reactions, as certain reactions may take several days to manifest. This method involves applying allergens to patches, which are then affixed to your child's skin and examined approximately 72 hours later. Patch tests prove beneficial for individuals with unexplained, persistent rashes and can also be effective in detecting allergies to substances like dyes and fragrances.
Food challenge test
In a food challenge test, a tiny amount of the allergen is either ingested or inhaled by the child. This test is essential for gauging the severity of an allergy and determining if a child has outgrown it. Conducted under the meticulous supervision of an allergist in their office, the food challenge test is considered the highest standard for food allergy testing. This approach ensures prompt management of any allergic reactions and the swift administration of necessary medications to guarantee the child's safety.
Elimination test
In cases where food allergy testing yields inconclusive results or when there's suspicion of intolerance, allergists may resort to an elimination test. This involves refraining from feeding your child foods the allergist suspects might be causing issues. The allergist will specify the duration of avoidance, considering that some foods linger in the system longer than others. Subsequently, under the allergist's guidance, you reintroduce each eliminated food one at a time. Throughout this process, you closely observe for any signs of allergic reactions and communicate your findings to the allergist.
Managing Allergies in Children
Following an allergy diagnosis for your child, the course of action depends on the type and severity of the allergies. The key is recognizing that an allergic reaction is a response to specific triggers, whether it's pollen, food, pets, drugs, or other elements. The primary strategy to prevent allergic reactions is avoiding exposure to these allergens. This might involve dietary adjustments for food allergies or limiting exposure to certain environments, like homes with pets.
Your allergist will typically provide comprehensive education on managing your child's allergies, covering avoidance strategies and instructions on using prescribed tools like EpiPens. Lifestyle changes may be recommended for food or environmental allergies, tailored to your child's specific needs, symptoms, and preferences. Each case is individualized based on factors such as home environment and exposures.
As your child grows, additional options may emerge, such as allergy shots or oral immunotherapy for food allergies. Regular communication with your child's allergist is crucial, given the evolving understanding of allergies by researchers. The landscape of allergy knowledge continually evolves, and staying connected with a board-certified allergist ensures access to the latest research. While a child's allergy diagnosis may initially feel overwhelming, connecting with a knowledgeable allergist should leave caregivers feeling empowered.
Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. Please contact your health provider if you have any medical questions or concerns about your child or yourself.